Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#14, aired 2023-09-27ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $100: The very first of these microblogging posts was sent by company cofounder Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006 a tweet
#14, aired 2023-09-27ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $200: To make natural rubber, start by collecting latex by cutting slits in this layer of the rubber tree the bark
#14, aired 2023-09-27ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $300: A Dutch term for a seller of ineffective medicines led to this word for an incompetent physician a quack
#14, aired 2023-09-27ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $400: This word follows Chesapeake, Hudson and Guantanamo in the names of bodies of water bay
#14, aired 2023-09-27ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $500: Players of this instrument "are just belligerent, and cocky, and you know just hard-headed" according to Wynton Marsalis the trumpet

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