Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9221, aired 2024-12-09ALLITERATIVE MOVIE TITLES $400: "Ride or Die" was the subtitle of the 2024 entry in this film series, featuring Martin Lawrence & Will Smith Bad Boys
#9221, aired 2024-12-09ALLITERATIVE MOVIE TITLES $800: Jessica Lange got cozy with the title big guy in this 1976 film; in 2005 it was Naomi Watts' turn King Kong
#9221, aired 2024-12-09ALLITERATIVE MOVIE TITLES $1200: In this 2012 comedy auditioners like Stacie & Fat Amy showed off their pipes to the tune of "Since U Been Gone" Pitch Perfect
#9221, aired 2024-12-09ALLITERATIVE MOVIE TITLES $2000: This Kurosawa film centers on a desperate town that's assaulted by marauders Seven Samurai
#9221, aired 2024-12-09ALLITERATIVE MOVIE TITLES $5,000 (Daily Double): David Fincher directed this 2014 thriller that finds Ben Affleck framed for murder Gone Girl

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