Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#5472, aired 2008-05-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $400: The official badge of the Prince of Wales features 3 plumes from this largest bird the ostrich
#5472, aired 2008-05-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $800: When a boy does a rollie pollie on a British playground, he's doing one of these a somersault
#5472, aired 2008-05-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $1200: Branwyn, Gwyllum, & Baldrick are 3 of the famous ravens at this location the Tower of London
#5472, aired 2008-05-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $1600: This British pair dominated the world ice-dancing scene in the early 1980s Torvill & Dean
#5472, aired 2008-05-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $5,000 (Daily Double): One of the 2 crowned English kings since 1066 whose royal name is not followed by a number John (or Stephen)
#3574, aired 2000-03-02ALL THINGS BRITISH $100: In 1969 the Vatican removed this patron saint of England from the official calendar of saints Saint George
#3574, aired 2000-03-02ALL THINGS BRITISH $200: (Alex Trebek reads from England.) In 1214 barons fed up with King John met at the abbey whose ruins we see here; the result a year later was this charter Magna Carta
#3574, aired 2000-03-02ALL THINGS BRITISH $300: In 1593 he published his first work, not a play but a poem called "Venus and Adonis" William Shakespeare
#3574, aired 2000-03-02ALL THINGS BRITISH $400: Now owned by Mohamed Al-Fayed, it began as a small 19th century grocery shop Harrods
#3574, aired 2000-03-02ALL THINGS BRITISH $500: This national stadium has played host to the Olympics, the World Cup & Live Aid Wembley Stadium
#3318, aired 1999-01-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $100: In 1997 PM Blair swapped homes with the Chancellor of the Exchequer & now lives at No. 11 on this street Downing Street
#3318, aired 1999-01-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $200: It's the noisy landmark seen here Big Ben
#3318, aired 1999-01-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $400: The 1648 Battle of St. Ffagan was a major battle of the English Civil War fought in this principality Wales
#3318, aired 1999-01-27ALL THINGS BRITISH $1,000 (Daily Double): This school where a form of football originated admitted its first girls in 1975 Rugby

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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