Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5479, aired 2008-06-05 | ALL NATURAL EATS $200: American pioneer John Chapman would press you to eat this fruit & would plant the seeds to make orchards the apple |
#5479, aired 2008-06-05 | ALL NATURAL EATS $400: Eat some orange vegetables, like the acorn, butternut & hubbard types of this gourd a squash |
#5479, aired 2008-06-05 | ALL NATURAL EATS $600: Eat spears of this green vegetable, but not the same-named fern, which is a houseplant asparagus |
#5479, aired 2008-06-05 | ALL NATURAL EATS $800: They have no flavor or aroma, but cloud ears, a type of this, are used in many Chinese dishes for their texture a mushroom |
#5479, aired 2008-06-05 | ALL NATURAL EATS $1000: Whether it's the pascal or golden variety of this vegetable, its name comes from the Greek for "parsley" celery |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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