Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#8393, aired 2021-05-05NON-ALEXANDER HAMILTON $200: By 7, mathematician William Rowan Hamilton had a good grasp on Latin, Greek & this main language of the Old Testament Hebrew
#8393, aired 2021-05-05NON-ALEXANDER HAMILTON $400: Canada's port city of Hamilton is at the western end of this very provincial lake Lake Ontario
#8393, aired 2021-05-05NON-ALEXANDER HAMILTON $600: In 2019, she was nominated for a CinemaCon USA Ensemble Award for "Terminator: Dark Fate" Linda Hamilton
#8393, aired 2021-05-05NON-ALEXANDER HAMILTON $800: U.S. figure skater Scott Hamilton took the gold medal at the 1984 Winter Olympics in this city that would later be a war zone Sarajevo
#8393, aired 2021-05-05NON-ALEXANDER HAMILTON $1000: Secretary of State Hamilton Fish made this, the settling of disputes by a third party, a standard part of diplomacy mediation
#6919, aired 2014-10-16ALEXANDER HAMILTON, GRUMPY GUY $200: Hamilton thwarted the ambitions of this longtime enemy several times; enough was enough on July 11, 1804 Aaron Burr
#6919, aired 2014-10-16ALEXANDER HAMILTON, GRUMPY GUY $400: In 1798 this man was forced into making Hamilton 2nd-in-command of the army; later he rid his cabinet of "Hamilton's spies" John Adams
#6919, aired 2014-10-16ALEXANDER HAMILTON, GRUMPY GUY $600: In this job, Hamilton was outraged by the charges of Rep. William Giles that he was mishandling public debt Secretary of the Treasury
#6919, aired 2014-10-16ALEXANDER HAMILTON, GRUMPY GUY $800: Hamilton did not enjoy an "Era of Good Feelings" with this future pres.; the 2 nearly came to blows in a July 11, 1797 showdown Monroe
#6919, aired 2014-10-16ALEXANDER HAMILTON, GRUMPY GUY $1000: Hamilton & this 1st Secretary of State had a long-standing feud, with each trying to drive the other out of the cabinet Jefferson
#3209, aired 1998-07-09ALEXANDER HAMILTON $200: As the first holder of this office, Hamilton created the First Bank of the United States Secretary of the Treasury
#3209, aired 1998-07-09ALEXANDER HAMILTON $400: In the 11th of these "papers", Hamilton says the U.S. Navy should use southern wood & northern sailors the Federalist Papers
#3209, aired 1998-07-09ALEXANDER HAMILTON $600: As a NYC lawyer in the 1780s, Hamilton lived on this street associated with the stock market Wall Street
#3209, aired 1998-07-09ALEXANDER HAMILTON $800: Hamilton led an attack in this 1781 siege that ended the Revolutionary War Yorktown
#3209, aired 1998-07-09ALEXANDER HAMILTON $1000: In colonial times, this Ivy League school was called King's College when Hamilton went there Columbia
#2091, aired 1993-10-11ALEXANDER HAMILTON $100: Hamilton learned to speak this language fluently while living on St. Croix as a child French
#2091, aired 1993-10-11ALEXANDER HAMILTON $200: A reluctant Hamilton dueled this man only out of a sense of honor Aaron Burr
#2091, aired 1993-10-11ALEXANDER HAMILTON $300: On March 1, 1777 Hamilton became aide-de-camp to this general George Washington
#2091, aired 1993-10-11ALEXANDER HAMILTON $400: Hamilton commanded a brilliant attack on the British during this last major battle of the Revolution Yorktown
#2091, aired 1993-10-11ALEXANDER HAMILTON $500: He became the first secretary of this though he had no practical financial management experience the Treasury

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