Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8967, aired 2023-11-07ALBERT CAMUS $400: On Dec. 10, 1957 Albert Camus received this prize in Stockholm, Sweden the Nobel Prize (for Literature)
#8967, aired 2023-11-07ALBERT CAMUS $800: Dr. Bernard Rieux fights a rising epidemic (which symbolizes the Nazi occupation of France) in this Camus novel La Peste (The Plague)
#8967, aired 2023-11-07ALBERT CAMUS $1200: Camus was born in this then French colony, the setting of some of his works Algeria
#8967, aired 2023-11-07ALBERT CAMUS $1600: In the original French, the first line of this Camus novel is "Aujourd'hui, maman est morte" The Stranger
#8967, aired 2023-11-07ALBERT CAMUS $9,000 (Daily Double): Camus' attack on Stalinism in 1951's "L'Homme revolte" strained his relationship with this other existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre
#4524, aired 2004-04-15ALBERT CAMUS $200: On Dec. 10, 1957 Albert Camus received this prize in Stockholm, Sweden Nobel Prize for Literature
#4524, aired 2004-04-15ALBERT CAMUS $400: Camus' father Lucien died at the First Battle of the Marne, a major turning point in this conflict World War I
#4524, aired 2004-04-15ALBERT CAMUS $600: Camus was born in this then French colony, the setting for some of his works Algeria
#4524, aired 2004-04-15ALBERT CAMUS $800: Camus' attack on Stalinism in 1951's "L'Homme Revolte" strained his relationship with this other existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre
#4524, aired 2004-04-15ALBERT CAMUS $1000: In an influential essay, Camus compared the human condition to the Greek myth of this rock pusher Sisyphus

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