Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6852, aired 2014-06-03 | ALASKA'S GLACIERS $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew comes to us from a boat near Margerie Glacier in Alaska.) The shorelines were completely covered by ice just 200 years ago; today's glaciers in Glacier Bay are remnants of the "LIA", or Little this, which started in the early 14th century the Little Ice Age |
#6852, aired 2014-06-03 | ALASKA'S GLACIERS $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew talks to us from a boat in Glacier Bay, Alaska.) This famous Baltimore medical school sponsored early expeditions to Glacier Bay, which is why there's a glacier and an inlet that share their name with the philanthropist the University is named for. Johns Hopkins |
#6852, aired 2014-06-03 | ALASKA'S GLACIERS $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew comes to us from a boat near Margerie Glacier in Alaska.) Ice fields in glaciers affect climate in various ways; white snow's high albedo means the snow is particularly good at doing this to solar radiation, causing the globe to cool. reflecting |
#6852, aired 2014-06-03 | ALASKA'S GLACIERS $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us some seals from the Margerie Glacier in Alaska.) Wildlife flocks to the Glacier Bay inlet named for this Scottish-born naturalist, founder of the Sierra Club John Muir |
#6852, aired 2014-06-03 | ALASKA'S GLACIERS $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us the ice at Margerie Glacier in Alaska.) Today, glaciers cover 11% of the world's surface; 2.6 million years ago during this epoch, they covered 30%. the Pleistocene |
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