Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)

#8755, aired 2022-12-02AFRICAN LAKES & RIVERS $200: In 1805 Henry Nicholls set out to find a route to the Niger River from this ocean, unaware he was starting from its mouth the Atlantic
#8755, aired 2022-12-02AFRICAN LAKES & RIVERS $400: Gustave, a huge one of these said to have killed hundreds of people, lived along the shores of Lake Tanganyika a crocodile
#8755, aired 2022-12-02AFRICAN LAKES & RIVERS $800: We presume you know he reached the delta of the Okavango River around 1850 Livingstone
#8755, aired 2022-12-02AFRICAN LAKES & RIVERS $1000: This "colorful" river forms the southwestern boundary of South Africa's Free State province the Orange
#8755, aired 2022-12-02AFRICAN LAKES & RIVERS $3,600 (Daily Double): Between Khartoum & Aswan, the Nile runs through a series of 6 rapids called these, also a term for waterfalls cataracts
#6749, aired 2014-01-09AFRICAN RIVERS $700 (Daily Double): The Vanderkloof Dam on this "colorful" river helped to create productive farmland in South Africa Orange River
#6749, aired 2014-01-09AFRICAN RIVERS $800: 2 southern parts of this river are known as Victoria & Albert the Nile
#6749, aired 2014-01-09AFRICAN RIVERS $1600: The Draa River, Morocco's longest, marks part of the boundary between Morocco & this eastern neighbor Algeria

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5354, aired 2007-12-13AFRICAN RIVERS: The course of this river that's almost 3,000 miles long is an immense counter-clockwise semi-circle the Congo

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