Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9217, aired 2024-12-03ADMISSIBLE EDIFICE $400: The Geisel Library at UCSD / Nifty & wondrous, you really must see / Honors a man of ozecular fame / Under this greatly familiarer name Dr. Seuss
#9217, aired 2024-12-03ADMISSIBLE EDIFICE $800: Seen here living up to its name, The Egg is a performing arts center at Empire State Plaza in this capital Albany
#9217, aired 2024-12-03ADMISSIBLE EDIFICE $1200: Let's talk Turkey... also known as the Church of the Divine Wisdom, this Istanbul structure dates back to the 6th century the Hagia Sophia
#9217, aired 2024-12-03ADMISSIBLE EDIFICE $1600: A Cleveland Clinic center for brain health isn't in Ohio, but in this glitzy city whose call Frank Gehry long resisted Las Vegas
#9217, aired 2024-12-03ADMISSIBLE EDIFICE $2000: In a few hours Frank Lloyd Wright drew the plans for this getaway right on the Bear Run River in Pennsylvania Fallingwater

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