Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9216, aired 2024-12-02ADD VERBS $400: Pardon me while I ____ on & on, also a noun for a stingless male bee drone
#9216, aired 2024-12-02ADD VERBS $800: In a traditional alliterative wedding vow, "I take you to be my husband (or wife)" to ____ & to ____ "from this day forward" to have & to hold
#9216, aired 2024-12-02ADD VERBS $1200: I wish my darn phone wouldn't ____, reflexively "fix" words it thinks I've Mississippi... misspelled autocorrect
#9216, aired 2024-12-02ADD VERBS $1600: Hey, cowboy, it's time to ____ that horse, also the word for the gear you'll use to hitch it to the wagon harness
#9216, aired 2024-12-02ADD VERBS $2000: In the fall new students ____, a Latin-derived synonym for enroll or register matriculate

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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