Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (53 results returned)

#9225, aired 2024-12-13YOU DON'T KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $200: He starred with Drew Barrymore in rom-coms like "The Wedding Singer" & "50 First Dates" Adam Sandler
#9225, aired 2024-12-13YOU DON'T KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $400: Adam Levine was in a group called Kara's Flowers before finding more enduring fame as "the voice" of this band Maroon 5
#9225, aired 2024-12-13YOU DON'T KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $600: Filling some mighty big shoes, he went on tour as lead singer with Queen in 2012 Adam Lambert
#9225, aired 2024-12-13YOU DON'T KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $800: He's added his low-key brand of funny to shows like "Parks & Rec" & "Party Down", where he asks, "Are we having fun yet?" Adam Scott
#9225, aired 2024-12-13YOU DON'T KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $1000: A customized Lincoln Futura became the iconic Batmobile full of gadgets & driven on TV by this actor Adam West
#8308, aired 2021-01-06ALL ABOUT ADAM & EVE $200: In Genesis, Eve is made from Adam's rib; God forms Adam out of this "of the ground" & tells him unto it "shalt thou return" the dust
#8308, aired 2021-01-06ALL ABOUT ADAM & EVE $400: This synonym for the Garden of Eden or any ideal place is from an ancient Persian word meaning "enclosed park" paradise
#8308, aired 2021-01-06ALL ABOUT ADAM & EVE $600: A snake is a snake, except for the one Eve meets called this in the King James version a serpent
#8308, aired 2021-01-06ALL ABOUT ADAM & EVE $800: The forbidden fruit that Adam & Eve are not to eat grows on this tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#8308, aired 2021-01-06ALL ABOUT ADAM & EVE $1000: After God expelled Adam & Eve from the garden, he placed these second-highest angels to the east of Eden to guard it cherubim
#7308, aired 2016-05-25AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE $1200: Today a synonym for something used to conceal an embarrassment, it was the height of fashion in Genesis 3 a fig leaf
#7308, aired 2016-05-25AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE $1600: Meaning "leave this guy alone", it's the 3-word name for what God placed upon one of Adam's sons the mark of Cain
#7308, aired 2016-05-25AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE $2000: At God's urging, Adam performs this task in Genesis 2, then takes a long nap the naming of the animals
#6945, aired 2014-11-21YOU DO KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $200: In Genesis 2 Adam gives names to the animals; in Genesis 6, this man rounds 'em up Noah
#6945, aired 2014-11-21YOU DO KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $400: 1 Corinthians says, "for as in Adam all die, even so in" him "shall all be made alive" Christ
#6945, aired 2014-11-21YOU DO KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $600: In Genesis 3 God makes Adam a coat of skins; in Genesis 37 Jacob makes this son a coat of many colors Joseph
#6945, aired 2014-11-21YOU DO KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $1,000 (Daily Double): In Genesis 3:19 God tells Adam he'll return to dust; in Exodus 8:17, this brother's rod turns dust to lice Aaron
#6945, aired 2014-11-21YOU DO KNOW HIM FROM ADAM $1000: Seth is Adam's son; Solomon is this king's son David
#6584, aired 2013-04-11ADAM SANDLER FILMS BY ROLE $200: 2003: a mild-mannered businessman who is ordered to attend counseling for rage Anger Management
#6584, aired 2013-04-11ADAM SANDLER FILMS BY ROLE $400: 2012: Dracula, who runs a lavish 5-stake resort Hotel Transylvania
#6584, aired 2013-04-11ADAM SANDLER FILMS BY ROLE $600: 1999: a reluctant foster father who learns the joys of parenting Big Daddy
#6584, aired 2013-04-11ADAM SANDLER FILMS BY ROLE $800: 1996: a washed-up hockey player who uses his skills on the golf course Happy Gilmore
#6584, aired 2013-04-11ADAM SANDLER FILMS BY ROLE $1000: 2008: An Israeli special forces soldier-turned-New York hair stylist You Don't Mess with the Zohan
#6256, aired 2011-11-28MADAM, I'M ADAM SMITH $400: Folks never seem to remember, but my masterwork is actually titled "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of" this The Wealth of Nations
#6256, aired 2011-11-28MADAM, I'M ADAM SMITH $800: I spent most of the final years of my life in this Scottish capital, where I died & am buried Edinburgh
#6256, aired 2011-11-28MADAM, I'M ADAM SMITH $1200: At 40, I quit my professor gig to act as this private teacher, from Latin for "watcher", for a young duke (I got a big raise) a tutor
#6256, aired 2011-11-28MADAM, I'M ADAM SMITH $2000: The 20 pound note shows me & my great idea of the stages of work getting split among specialists; it's this 3-word concept division of labor
#6256, aired 2011-11-28MADAM, I'M ADAM SMITH $5,000 (Daily Double): I once wrote that without seeing it, men are led to "advance the interest of the society" by this anatomical agent an invisible hand
#5641, aired 2009-03-02ADAM $200: In 1789 architect Robert Adam designed the University of this Scottish city Edinburgh
#5641, aired 2009-03-02ADAM $400: He said to found a great empire only for customers seems to be a project "for a nation of shopkeepers" Adam Smith
#5641, aired 2009-03-02ADAM $600: Though born in Zurich, Hans Adam II is the head of state of this tiny European principality Liechtenstein
#5641, aired 2009-03-02ADAM $800: In 1945 this African American was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat from Harlem Adam Clayton Powell
#5641, aired 2009-03-02ADAM $1000: Some words from Wordsworth serve as the epigraph to this novel by George Eliot Adam Bede
#5030, aired 2006-06-23ADAM SANDLER $200: In the new movie "Click" I have a slight disagreement with this actor who gained fame as a lifeguard on the TV David Hasselhoff
#5030, aired 2006-06-23ADAM SANDLER $400: In "Happy Gilmore", I had enough & decked this long-time CBS game show host--you up for the sequel, Alex? Bob Barker
#5030, aired 2006-06-23ADAM SANDLER $600: In the new movie "Click", this "Deer Hunter" actor plays Morty; he also was The Continental on "SNL" many times Christopher Walken
#5030, aired 2006-06-23ADAM SANDLER $800: I had a recurring role as Theo's friend Smitty in this 1980s No. 1-rated sitcom "What was it?" The Cosby Show
#5030, aired 2006-06-23ADAM SANDLER $1000: I played tackling machine & H2O enthusiast in this 1998 film The Waterboy
#4940, aired 2006-02-17ADAM SANDLER FILMS $200: Adam trained with ex-NFL quarterback Sean Salisbury to prepare for this 2005 comedy The Longest Yard
#4940, aired 2006-02-17ADAM SANDLER FILMS $400: There must be 50 ways to name this 2004 comedy with Adam & Drew Barrymore, said to be "Memento-meets-Groundhog Day" 50 First Dates
#4940, aired 2006-02-17ADAM SANDLER FILMS $600: Adam crooned his way into Drew Barrymore's heart in this "matrimonial" 1998 film The Wedding Singer
#4940, aired 2006-02-17ADAM SANDLER FILMS $800: The price was very, very wrong when Bob Barker pummeled Adam on a golf course in this 1996 film Happy Gilmore
#4940, aired 2006-02-17ADAM SANDLER FILMS $1000: Adam was kickin' it old school--elementary school--as this 1995 title character Billy Madison
#3721, aired 2000-11-06THE ADAM SANDLER STORY $100: After Dennis Miller caught Adam's act at the Improv in L.A., he was invited to join this show in NYC Saturday Night Live
#3721, aired 2000-11-06THE ADAM SANDLER STORY $200: In 1998 Adam Sandler was Bobby Boucher, this title "boy" at a Louisiana university The Waterboy
#3721, aired 2000-11-06THE ADAM SANDLER STORY $300: Rob Schneider cavorted as a male gigolo in this 1999 release executive produced by Adam Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
#3721, aired 2000-11-06THE ADAM SANDLER STORY $400: In a 1998 comedy, Adam finds love with Drew Barrymore as this title ceremonial crooner The Wedding Singer
#3721, aired 2000-11-06THE ADAM SANDLER STORY $500: Adam played Stick Pin Quinn & the Stud Boy on this hip, happening MTV game show Remote Control
#1327, aired 1990-05-15ADAM & EVE $100: When called on the carpet, Adam blamed Eve, & Eve blamed him The Serpent
#1327, aired 1990-05-15ADAM & EVE $200: God reminded Adam that this "Thou art, unto" it "shalt thou return" Dust
#1327, aired 1990-05-15ADAM & EVE $400: According to Genesis, Adam gave these to the animals & later gave one to his wife Names
#1327, aired 1990-05-15ADAM & EVE $500 (Daily Double): They could eat of the Tree of Life, but the Tree of the Knowledge of this was off limits Good and evil
#1327, aired 1990-05-15ADAM & EVE $500: Adam was a young 130 when he begat him, his third son Seth

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