Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (40 results returned)

#9070, aired 2024-03-29CLASSIC AD SLOGANS & JINGLES $200: "Double your pleasure, double your fun" with this brand Doublemint
#9070, aired 2024-03-29CLASSIC AD SLOGANS & JINGLES $400: "I don't wanna grow up, I'm" this kind of "kid" a Toys "R" Us kid
#9070, aired 2024-03-29CLASSIC AD SLOGANS & JINGLES $600: This chain promised "We'll leave the light on for you" Motel 6
#9070, aired 2024-03-29CLASSIC AD SLOGANS & JINGLES $800: This brand has been advertised as "Two, two, two mints in one" Certs
#9070, aired 2024-03-29CLASSIC AD SLOGANS & JINGLES $1000: "Quick, Henry," this old-time insecticide that also means to move quickly from place to place Flit
#8668, aired 2022-06-22OLD AD SLOGANS $200: People began to "Fly the friendly skies" with this airline in 1965; the slogan eventually flew off but returned in 2013 United
#8668, aired 2022-06-22OLD AD SLOGANS $400: Aawon Buhw! Aawon Buhw! Michael Bay directed the 1993 commercial that ended with this 2-word slogan-question Got Milk?
#8668, aired 2022-06-22OLD AD SLOGANS $600: "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight", this company said it would deliver Federal Express
#8668, aired 2022-06-22OLD AD SLOGANS $800: "I'd walk a mile for" this brand of cigarette dates to 1921, but smoke enough of them & distance walking gets problematic Camel
#8668, aired 2022-06-22OLD AD SLOGANS $1000: This beverage became "The Uncola" in the '60s, man 7 Up
#8002, aired 2019-05-28AD SLOGANS $200: This sandwich chain has urged us to "Eat fresh" & "Make it what you want" Subway
#8002, aired 2019-05-28AD SLOGANS $400: Nike introduced this 3-word slogan in 1988 "Just do it"
#8002, aired 2019-05-28AD SLOGANS $600: "So good" replaced this slogan at KFC that implied its food was eaten with your hands "Finger-lickin' good"
#8002, aired 2019-05-28AD SLOGANS $800: Ilon Specht was 3 when she came up with the tagline "Because I'm worth it" for this French-named beauty brand L'Oreal
#8002, aired 2019-05-28AD SLOGANS $1000: This company has used the slogan "A diamond is forever" for an eternity De Beers
#7960, aired 2019-03-29AD SLOGANS $200: This emotion. "It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru" love
#7960, aired 2019-03-29AD SLOGANS $400: These 2 adverbs complete the classic Federal Express ad slogan "When it ____, ____ has to be there over night" absolutely, positively
#7960, aired 2019-03-29AD SLOGANS $600: In the 1970s the U.K.'s Conservative party used the slogan this rival political party "isn't working" Labour
#7960, aired 2019-03-29AD SLOGANS $800: "When it rains, it pours" & it has for this salt brand Morton
#7960, aired 2019-03-29AD SLOGANS $1000: The makers of Maxwell House coffee attributed this description of its taste to Theodore Roosevelt good to the last drop
#6487, aired 2012-11-27CLASSIC AD SLOGANS $200: "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking" Timex
#6487, aired 2012-11-27CLASSIC AD SLOGANS $400: "Look, ma, no cavities" Crest (toothpaste)
#6487, aired 2012-11-27CLASSIC AD SLOGANS $600: "The pause that refreshes" Coca-Cola
#6487, aired 2012-11-27CLASSIC AD SLOGANS $800: "Tastes so good, cats ask for it by name" Meow Mix
#6487, aired 2012-11-27CLASSIC AD SLOGANS $1000: "Think small" Volkswagen
#6185, aired 2011-07-01AD SLOGANS $200: "Nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven" Pillsbury
#6185, aired 2011-07-01AD SLOGANS $400: "We make money the old-fashioned way. We earn it" Smith Barney
#6185, aired 2011-07-01AD SLOGANS $600: "Because you're worth it" L'Oreal
#6185, aired 2011-07-01AD SLOGANS $800: "Love--it's what makes" a this, a this Subaru
#6185, aired 2011-07-01AD SLOGANS $1000: "It only does everything" Sony Playstation
#5729, aired 2009-07-02TASTY AD SLOGANS $200: "The best part of wakin' up is" this beverage "in your cup" Folgers
#5729, aired 2009-07-02TASTY AD SLOGANS $400: This sandwich chain invites you to "Eat fresh" Subway
#5729, aired 2009-07-02TASTY AD SLOGANS $600: This cereal brand is "kid-tested, mother-approved" Kix
#5729, aired 2009-07-02TASTY AD SLOGANS $800: "Betcha can't eat just one" of these Lay's
#5729, aired 2009-07-02TASTY AD SLOGANS $1000: This brand of hot dog answers "to a higher authority" Hebrew National
#4959, aired 2006-03-16AIRLINE AD SLOGANS $400: "Something special in the air" American Airlines
#4959, aired 2006-03-16AIRLINE AD SLOGANS $800: "The Wings of Italy" Alitalia
#4959, aired 2006-03-16AIRLINE AD SLOGANS $1200: "We love to fly and it shows" Delta
#4959, aired 2006-03-16AIRLINE AD SLOGANS $1,400 (Daily Double): "The world's favourite airline" British Airways
#4959, aired 2006-03-16AIRLINE AD SLOGANS $1600: "We have to earn our wings every day" Eastern

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