Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3458, aired 1999-09-22 | ACCESSORIZING $100: It's the "relative" synonym for Ben-Franklin-style glasses Granny glasses |
#3458, aired 1999-09-22 | ACCESSORIZING $200: A string of the black or Tahitian type of these is particularly striking Pearls |
#3458, aired 1999-09-22 | ACCESSORIZING $300: The trademark of '20s socialite Nancy Cunard wasn't baubles or beads, but these ivory bracelets Bangles |
#3458, aired 1999-09-22 | ACCESSORIZING $400: From a Catalan word, it's a belt worn over the shoulder that has loops to hold cartridges Bandolier |
#3458, aired 1999-09-22 | ACCESSORIZING $500: Founded in 1837 to make saddles, this French firm is renowned for accessories like scarves & handbags Hermes |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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