Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8119, aired 2019-12-19ABOUT [TYPE]FACE $200: This company created the Verdana typeface for use on its Windows operating system Microsoft
#8119, aired 2019-12-19ABOUT [TYPE]FACE $400: In 1932 this London newspaper started using the New Roman typeface named for it The London Times
#8119, aired 2019-12-19ABOUT [TYPE]FACE $600: Now considered the standard for screenplays, Courier was used by IBM for the Selectric brand of these a typewriter
#8119, aired 2019-12-19ABOUT [TYPE]FACE $800: Lucida Bright was designed for this magazine that has brought the lab to the layman since 1845 Scientific American
#8119, aired 2019-12-19ABOUT [TYPE]FACE $1000: Change one letter in the word "future" to get this font created in the '20s & used by tech companies like Cisco Futura

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