Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9229, aired 2024-12-19A WORD IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY TITLE $400: As a holiday it celebrates the halfway point of a harvest season Midsummer
#9229, aired 2024-12-19A WORD IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY TITLE $800: The short-tailed variety of this insectivore uses toxic saliva to immobilize prey a shrew
#9229, aired 2024-12-19A WORD IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY TITLE $1600: Pitching for the Yankees, Tommy John once committed 3 of these on one play errors
#9229, aired 2024-12-19A WORD IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY TITLE $2000: Woman: "I'm Beatrice Reiner. I stop at the hotel"; Groucho: "I'm Ronald Kornblow. I stop at" this nothing
#9229, aired 2024-12-19A WORD IN A SHAKESPEARE PLAY TITLE $3,000 (Daily Double): Sir, please come back to the restaurant--instead of the customer copy, you kept the slip marked this "copy" merchant

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