Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7694, aired 2018-02-08A WIEN-WIEN SITUATION $400: Micro-roasters ply their wares & barista champions are crowned at Vienna's festival for this product coffee
#7694, aired 2018-02-08A WIEN-WIEN SITUATION $600 (Daily Double): The Imperial Chapel is a great place to catch this "young" group of singers founded by Maximilian I in 1498 the Vienna Boys' Choir
#7694, aired 2018-02-08A WIEN-WIEN SITUATION $1200: The Tower of Babel is part of the Kunsthistorisches Museum's great collection of this Flemish painter, the Elder Pieter Bruegel the Elder
#7694, aired 2018-02-08A WIEN-WIEN SITUATION $1600: Most Viennese streetcar lines will take you into the Wienerwald, these, for a little hiking, ja? the Vienna Woods
#7694, aired 2018-02-08A WIEN-WIEN SITUATION $2000: A great sight in Vienna is the cathedral of this saint, the first Christian martyr St. Stephen

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