Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9217, aired 2024-12-03A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER $200: In his preface to this collection, Whitman wrote, "The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem" Leaves of Grass
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER $400: Of this "noiseless, patient" creature Whitman wrote, "It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself" spider
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER $600: Whitman's "Passage to India" inspired the title of a 1924 novel by this author Forster
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER $800: Whitman began a poem, "Beat! beat! drums!--"Blow!" these! "blow" bugles
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER $1000: "A Child's Reminiscence" was later retitled "Out of the Cradle" these 2 words Endlessly Rocking

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