Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7497, aired 2017-03-28A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE $400: I've got a view of the lower Manhattan skyline from this New York City landmark to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge
#7497, aired 2017-03-28A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE $800: The Pont Alexandre III has a lovely view of the seventh of these Paris districts arrondissements
#7497, aired 2017-03-28A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE $1200: Here's a view looking up from this colorful landmark the Golden Gate Bridge
#7497, aired 2017-03-28A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE $2,000 (Daily Double): From London's Tower Bridge, get a look at Renzo Piano's tower nicknamed this, like a glass fragment the Shard
#7497, aired 2017-03-28A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE $2000: Here's sunrise from the Rialto in this city Venice

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