Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8077, aired 2019-10-22A TREE GROWS IN BOOK LAND $200: The Whomping Willow does its whomping on the grounds of this castle Hogwarts
#8077, aired 2019-10-22A TREE GROWS IN BOOK LAND $400: The party tree that grew in this Middle-earth land was the location of Bilbo's farewell speech the Shire
#8077, aired 2019-10-22A TREE GROWS IN BOOK LAND $600: Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree" gives these fruits & more to a thoughtless boy an apple
#8077, aired 2019-10-22A TREE GROWS IN BOOK LAND $1,000 (Daily Double): "It was a right motley company that gathered about the noble greenwood tree in Sherwood's depths" in an 1883 tale of this hero Robin Hood
#8077, aired 2019-10-22A TREE GROWS IN BOOK LAND $1000: After this title character accepts Rochester's proposal, lightning splits a chestnut tree at Thornfield Hall Jane Eyre

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