Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9214, aired 2024-11-28A REAL SMOKE SHOW $400: We're still not too sure about a lot that happened on this ABC show, but for sure the Man in Black is also the Smoke Monster Lost
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A REAL SMOKE SHOW $800: Here's the straight dope: "Up in Smoke" was the first film starring this pair of comics Cheech & Chong
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A REAL SMOKE SHOW $1200: Set in Mississippi, his play "Summer & Smoke" is about a repressed minister's daughter in love with the hedonistic boy next door Tennessee Williams
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A REAL SMOKE SHOW $1600: Official videos for this Deep Purple classic include an animated one & one live at Montreux, where the song is set "Smoke On The Water"
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A REAL SMOKE SHOW $2000: The Jerome Kern-Otto Harbach musical "Roberta" is best remembered for this classic song about a "lovely flame" "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"

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