Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9214, aired 2024-11-28A PROJECT $400: This project was designed as a bridge between the Mercury & Apollo programs Gemini
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A PROJECT $800: A WSJ post asked, "He couldn't run a hamburger stand. How did Oppenheimer run" this project's "secret lab?" the Manhattan Project
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A PROJECT $1200: In "Project Hail Mary" by this author, the amnesiac Ryland Grace has to save the Earth & find out how he got "beach-bod buff" Andy Weir
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A PROJECT $1600: The CIA called this project "the code name for a covert... mind-control & chemical interrogation research program" MKUltra
#9214, aired 2024-11-28A PROJECT $2000: Born Ephraim Goldberg, this architect designed Seattle's Experience Music Project now the Museum of Pop Culture (Frank) Gehry

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