Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8756, aired 2022-12-05A PACK OF LIES $200: "Pulling" this material "over someone's eyes" doesn't require sheep, but does require deception wool
#8756, aired 2022-12-05A PACK OF LIES $400: The Secret Service's USDollars website is for law enforcement & banks to report suspected cases of this counterfeiting
#8756, aired 2022-12-05A PACK OF LIES $600: A softball is generally delivered to a batter this way, also a term meaning not entirely honest underhanded
#8756, aired 2022-12-05A PACK OF LIES $1000: One Direction sang of these title 3-word fibs, "you like playing games" "Little White Lies"
#8756, aired 2022-12-05A PACK OF LIES $4,800 (Daily Double): Columnist Jimmy Breslin popularized this truth-obscuring idiom that mentions 2 things employed by magicians smoke & mirrors

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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