Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9217, aired 2024-12-03A MIX OF SCIENCE $400: It's a facula that a facula is a bright spot in the photosphere of this body the Sun
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A MIX OF SCIENCE $800: This mammalian-sounding unit of measurement is equal to Avogadro's number mole
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A MIX OF SCIENCE $1200: This effect named for an Austrian man manifests itself in receding siren noises & cosmic red-shifting expansion the Doppler effect
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A MIX OF SCIENCE $1600: Part of a Canadian province is in the name of this current that usually meets the Gulf Stream around Cape Hatteras the Labrador Current
#9217, aired 2024-12-03A MIX OF SCIENCE $2000: About 1.5% of any quantity of the isotope uranium-238 decays to this element every 100 million years lead

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