Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9222, aired 2024-12-10A MEAT & POTATOES CATEGORY $200: Anyone can enjoy this beef cut taken from between the neck & shoulder blade, perhaps Messrs. Yeager, Grassley & D chuck
#9222, aired 2024-12-10A MEAT & POTATOES CATEGORY $400: Sometimes fried in bacon fat--healthy as can be!--this "colorful" potato dish is pressed into flat cakes in a pan hash browns
#9222, aired 2024-12-10A MEAT & POTATOES CATEGORY $600: Omaha Steaks' private reserve of this boneless cut from the small end of the tenderloin costs $540 (for 12 10 Oz. ones) filet mignon
#9222, aired 2024-12-10A MEAT & POTATOES CATEGORY $800: A bit larger than T-bone is this sharable steak cut with meat from both the top loin & the tenderloin a porterhouse
#9222, aired 2024-12-10A MEAT & POTATOES CATEGORY $1000: O Canada! This type of potato with buttery yellow flesh is great for mashing Yukon Gold

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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