Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7755, aired 2018-05-04A MATTER OF BIBLICAL LIFE & DEATH $200: During the time of the prophet Samuel, the Israelites lost more than 30,000 soldiers fighting this group the Philistines
#7755, aired 2018-05-04A MATTER OF BIBLICAL LIFE & DEATH $400: Following Jesus' example, Paul brings back to life a man who fell out of a window in this New Testament book Acts
#7755, aired 2018-05-04A MATTER OF BIBLICAL LIFE & DEATH $600: In Genesis 19 these 2 cities near the Dead Sea have fire & brimstone rained down on them Sodom and Gomorrah
#7755, aired 2018-05-04A MATTER OF BIBLICAL LIFE & DEATH $800: In Numbers 16 Korah & his house are swallowed up by the earth for rebelling against this leader Moses
#7755, aired 2018-05-04A MATTER OF BIBLICAL LIFE & DEATH $3,000 (Daily Double): The book of Daniel mentions false accusers in Babylon being devoured by these beasts lions

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