Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#15, aired 2022-02-18A LOFTY CATEGORY $200: Seen here, the Ulm Minster is home to the tallest of these church towers with a spire at the top a steeple
#15, aired 2022-02-18A LOFTY CATEGORY $400: There's a Fairmont Hotel in the 1,972-foot-tall Abraj al-Bayt clock tower, next to the great mosque in this holy city Mecca
#15, aired 2022-02-18A LOFTY CATEGORY $600: "O" is for this type of tall stone shaft like Cleopatra's Needle or the Washington Monument obelisk
#15, aired 2022-02-18A LOFTY CATEGORY $800: In line with the theme of Seattle's World's Fair, its legs were painted Astronaut White & its core Orbital Olive the Space Needle
#15, aired 2022-02-18A LOFTY CATEGORY $1000: Around 2500 B.C. Menkaure, a king of the fourth dynasty, began building a 215-foot-tall one of these a pyramid

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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