Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6386, aired 2012-05-28A JOHNNY DEPP FILM FEST $200: In "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", Johnny played this candy man Willy Wonka
#6386, aired 2012-05-28A JOHNNY DEPP FILM FEST $400: In 1984 Johnny made his big-screen debut as one of Freddy Krueger's victims in this film franchise Nightmare on Elm Street
#6386, aired 2012-05-28A JOHNNY DEPP FILM FEST $600: In "Sleepy Hollow", Johnny played this character, but he was a detective, not a schoolmaster Ichabod Crane
#6386, aired 2012-05-28A JOHNNY DEPP FILM FEST $800: In "Public Enemies", Johnny portrayed this public enemy number one John Dillinger
#6386, aired 2012-05-28A JOHNNY DEPP FILM FEST $1000: On a trip to Europe, Johnny is drawn into a web of intrigue by Angelina Jolie in this 2010 thriller The Tourist

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