Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3987, aired 2001-12-25A GOOD READ $400 (Daily Double): First published in 1877 this "colorful" novel about a horse is still popular today Black Beauty
#3987, aired 2001-12-25A GOOD READ $400: After leaving Maine for the prairie, this woman "Plain and Tall" finds love with the Witting family Sarah
#3987, aired 2001-12-25A GOOD READ $800: In "A Signature Life", you can read all about this first signer of the Declaration of Independence John Hancock
#3987, aired 2001-12-25A GOOD READ $1200: In this classic the title object gladly gives up its apples, branches & trunk till all that's left is a stump The Giving Tree
#3987, aired 2001-12-25A GOOD READ $1600: In this magical book, young Omri receives an old medicine chest that brings his toys to life The Indian in the Cupboard

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