Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9242, aired 2025-01-07A GAME OF RUTH OR BLAIR $200: The subtitle of "Justice on the Brink" mentions "The Death of" this woman & "The Rise of Amy Coney Barrett" (Ruth Bader) Ginsburg
#9242, aired 2025-01-07A GAME OF RUTH OR BLAIR $400: The Economist nicknamed this Labour Party British prime minister "the strangest Tory ever sold" Tony Blair
#9242, aired 2025-01-07A GAME OF RUTH OR BLAIR $600: In 1926 a Daily News article about him declared, "The Bambino finds his bat!" Babe Ruth
#9242, aired 2025-01-07A GAME OF RUTH OR BLAIR $800: In 1948, she was trained as a sniper by the Israeli Haganah, long before she became an expert on relationships Dr. Ruth Westheimer
#9242, aired 2025-01-07A GAME OF RUTH OR BLAIR $1000: Eric Blair felt it necessary to use this pen name before the publication of "Down & Out in Paris & London" George Orwell

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