Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6682, aired 2013-10-08A FEW CHOICE WORDS $200: Of rain, hail or sleet, the one that has a homophone meaning "healthy" hail
#6682, aired 2013-10-08A FEW CHOICE WORDS $400: Of scuba, maser or razor, the one that's not an acronym a razor
#6682, aired 2013-10-08A FEW CHOICE WORDS $600: Of anachronism, masochism or bolshevism, the one that gets its name from a person masochism
#6682, aired 2013-10-08A FEW CHOICE WORDS $800: Of boisterous, articulate or opaque, the one that's an antonym of pellucid opaque
#6682, aired 2013-10-08A FEW CHOICE WORDS $1000: Of conjugate, abrogate or fustigate, the one that's a synonym for repeal abrogate
#5172, aired 2007-02-20A FEW CHOICE 4-LETTER WORDS $400: The handle of a sword, you can play this term to the ... a hilt
#5172, aired 2007-02-20A FEW CHOICE 4-LETTER WORDS $800: It's the highest point or peak, or the notoriously unreliable company of choice for Wile E. Coyote acme
#5172, aired 2007-02-20A FEW CHOICE 4-LETTER WORDS $1200: Often accompanied by a drum, it's the instrument heard here a fife
#5172, aired 2007-02-20A FEW CHOICE 4-LETTER WORDS $1600: In 1916 this movement was founded by a group of artists & poets in Zurich; come to ... Dada
#5172, aired 2007-02-20A FEW CHOICE 4-LETTER WORDS $2000: Formally surrender your territory & give us this word from the Latin for "yield" cede

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