Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4988, aired 2006-04-26A "D" IN HISTORY $200: To keep Delaware's capital away from the invading British, it was moved to this city in 1777 Dover
#4988, aired 2006-04-26A "D" IN HISTORY $400: James Oglethorpe founded Georgia in 1733 as a haven for people in trouble for this back in Britain debt
#4988, aired 2006-04-26A "D" IN HISTORY $600: In 1868 & again in 1880, he was succeeded as British Prime Minister by William Gladstone Disraeli
#4988, aired 2006-04-26A "D" IN HISTORY $800: In 1952 the U.N. started a commission on this to make the world a less lethal place disarmament
#4988, aired 2006-04-26A "D" IN HISTORY $1000: In the 16th century these assemblies of German potentates took place at Speyer, Augsburg & (yummy!) Worms a diet
#4572, aired 2004-06-22A "D" IN HISTORY $400: He took office as the mayor of Chicago in 1989 (Richard) Daley
#4572, aired 2004-06-22A "D" IN HISTORY $800: Alcatraz has been called America's version of this notorious French island prison Devil's Island
#4572, aired 2004-06-22A "D" IN HISTORY $1200: This order of inquisitorial monks, aka the Black Friars, could have been called the Black "Fryers" the Dominicans
#4572, aired 2004-06-22A "D" IN HISTORY $1600: On the summit of this hill in Scotland are the remains of Macbeth's castle Dunsinane
#4572, aired 2004-06-22A "D" IN HISTORY $2000: During World War II, the Japanese repeatedly bombed this city on Australia's northern coast Darwin

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