Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5870, aired 2010-03-05A "D" IN GEOGRAPHY $400: O'Casey & Yeats were both born in this capital Dublin
#5870, aired 2010-03-05A "D" IN GEOGRAPHY $800: This German city is on the Rhine River about 20 miles north of Cologne Dusseldorf
#5870, aired 2010-03-05A "D" IN GEOGRAPHY $1200: It occupies 18,600 square miles in the West Indies & shares its island home with another nation the Dominican Republic
#5870, aired 2010-03-05A "D" IN GEOGRAPHY $1600: This Scottish river flows into the North Sea at Aberdeen the Dee
#5870, aired 2010-03-05A "D" IN GEOGRAPHY $2000: Once part of the French Protectorate of Somaliland, this nation gained its independence in 1977 Djibouti

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