Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9215, aired 2024-11-29A COUPLE OF THINGS ABOUT THEM $400: Chicago Bull, from 1993 to 1998; USA Men's National Team head coach in Paris Steve Kerr
#9215, aired 2024-11-29A COUPLE OF THINGS ABOUT THEM $800: Bald billionaire; built a business at 10704 NE 28th Street in Bellevue, Washington Bezos
#9215, aired 2024-11-29A COUPLE OF THINGS ABOUT THEM $1200: Elected mayor of South Bend in 2011; married Chasten Glezman in 2018 Buttigieg
#9215, aired 2024-11-29A COUPLE OF THINGS ABOUT THEM $1600: Joined the Economic Studies Program at the Brookings Institution in 2018; joined Biden's Cabinet in 2021 Yellen
#9215, aired 2024-11-29A COUPLE OF THINGS ABOUT THEM $2000: spelled her name in lower case; wrote the 1981 book "Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism" bell hooks

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