Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8946, aired 2023-10-09A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $400: On Dec. 31, 2005 a this second (not a this year) was added at 23:59:60, the first extra second in 7 years a leap second
#8946, aired 2023-10-09A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $800: In 1687 this Brit differentiated "absolute, true, and mathematical time" & "relative, apparent, and common time" Newton
#8946, aired 2023-10-09A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $1600: TAI, the French abbreviation for "international" this "time", was introduced in 1955 atomic time (Temps Atomique International)
#8946, aired 2023-10-09A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $1,990 (Daily Double): An 1884 conference chose the meridian of this facility's transit instrument as the "prime" starting point for time zones the Observatory of Greenwich
#8946, aired 2023-10-09A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $2000: Clocks flown around the Earth in 1971 diverged from stationary ones, confirming the relativity concept "time" this dilation
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF TIME OF HISTORY $200: His papacy lasted just over a month in 1978 John Paul I
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $400: In 1687 this Brit differentiated "absolute, true, and mathematical time" & "relative, apparent, and common time" Newton
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF TIME OF HISTORY $400: Catherine Howard was married to this man from 1540 to 1542 Henry VIII
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $800: This 18th century German's "Critique" of time? It's "phenomenally real" but "noumenally unreal" Kant
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF TIME OF HISTORY $800: In Rome, 69 A.D. was "The Year of the Four" these, including Galba & Otho Emperors
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF TIME OF HISTORY $1000: This secessionist state of the Igbo people in eastern Nigeria lasted from 1967 to 1970 Biafra
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $1200: An 1884 conference chose the meridian of this facility's transit instrument as the "prime" starting point for time zones Greenwich Observatory
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF TIME OF HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): Israeli forces destroyed Egypt's air force on the ground on June 5, 1967, the first day of this war the Six-Day War
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $2000: Clocks flown around the Earth in 1971 diverged from stationary ones, confirming the relativity concept "time" this dilation
#6831, aired 2014-05-05A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME $3,400 (Daily Double): Following Einstein, in 1908 Hermann Minkowski proposed the idea of 4-dimensional this hyphenated term space-time

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