Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9220, aired 2024-12-06A "BARREL" OF FUN $200: You're really scraping this when all that's available is something of the lowest or worst quality the bottom of the barrel
#9220, aired 2024-12-06A "BARREL" OF FUN $400: This chain began in 1969 with a single location on Highway 109 in Lebanon, Tennessee Cracker Barrel
#9220, aired 2024-12-06A "BARREL" OF FUN $600: Type "do a" this into Google & you get an Easter egg that makes your search results spin 360 degrees barrel roll
#9220, aired 2024-12-06A "BARREL" OF FUN $800: Adapted from a Czech folk tune, this song topped the U.S. hit parade in 1939 "Beer Barrel Polka"
#9220, aired 2024-12-06A "BARREL" OF FUN $1000: This type of ceiling consisting of a series of arches has often been used in church construction barrel vaults

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