Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#795, aired 1988-02-057-LETTER CITIES $100: The stevedores here, in West Germany's busiest port, must be really beefy Hamburg
#795, aired 1988-02-057-LETTER CITIES $200: This city didn't rise from its ashes like its namesake, but from the Salt River Valley Phoenix
#795, aired 1988-02-057-LETTER CITIES $300: The name of this Scottish city, 3rd largest in Great Britain, is said to be from the Celtic for "dear green spot" Glasgow
#795, aired 1988-02-057-LETTER CITIES $400: This city in Nova Scotia is the Atlantic terminus of Canada's 2 major railways Halifax
#795, aired 1988-02-057-LETTER CITIES $500: As Iran & Iraq have 4 letters, these cities, their capitals, both have 7, as usually spelled in English Teheran & Baghdad

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