Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8068, aired 2019-10-096-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $800: King Arthur's wizardly adviser Merlin
#8068, aired 2019-10-096-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $1200: Mimic mindlessly like a certain bird parrot
#8068, aired 2019-10-096-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $1600: The ancients could count on it an abacus
#8068, aired 2019-10-096-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $2000: Silver in heraldry argent
#7059, aired 2015-04-306-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $400: To this first name belong the spoils Victor
#7059, aired 2015-04-306-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $800: Croatia's capital Zagreb
#7059, aired 2015-04-306-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $1200: Where to harbor your yacht marina
#7059, aired 2015-04-306-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $2,000 (Daily Double): Tom Canty, at the start of a Twain novel pauper
#7059, aired 2015-04-306-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $2000: Destiny, Turkish style kismet

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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