Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9217, aired 2024-12-036 LETTERS, ENDS IN "Y" $400: Once thought to be influenced by the Moon's phases, it's a word for sheer craziness lunacy
#9217, aired 2024-12-036 LETTERS, ENDS IN "Y" $800: It's the difference between your home's value & how much you still owe on it equity
#9217, aired 2024-12-036 LETTERS, ENDS IN "Y" $1200: This large bird of prey is known for plucking fish right out of the water an osprey
#9217, aired 2024-12-036 LETTERS, ENDS IN "Y" $1600: Differing by a first letter, one word means to gather data or opinions from a group of people; the other, to provide goods or services survey & purvey
#9217, aired 2024-12-036 LETTERS, ENDS IN "Y" $2000: In England, it referred to people of high birth, high social class, wealthy landowners ranking just below the nobility gentry

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