Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5772, aired 2009-10-205 OTHER SENSES $400: You didn't like that one about the nun & the penguin? Ah, you've got no sense of this humor
#5772, aired 2009-10-205 OTHER SENSES $800: The semicircular canals & the utricle & saccule make up the ear's organs for your sense of this term balance
#5772, aired 2009-10-205 OTHER SENSES $1200: You streaked the wedding reception! Have you no sense of this 5-letter word? This on you! shame
#5772, aired 2009-10-205 OTHER SENSES $2000: On June 9, 1954 Joseph Welch asked Joe McCarthy, "Have you no sense of" this "sir, at long last?" decency
#5772, aired 2009-10-205 OTHER SENSES $5,000 (Daily Double): You seem to feel you're owed a lot; you have a real sense of this, the right to guaranteed govt. benefits entitlement

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