Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7970, aired 2019-04-125 EASY PIECES $400: 16-year-old Euphemia Allen composed this easy piano piece with the name of eating utensils "Chopsticks"
#7970, aired 2019-04-125 EASY PIECES $800: Just switch 2 letters in a word for "60 seconds" & you'll have this type of dance a minuet
#7970, aired 2019-04-125 EASY PIECES $1200: This simple little Beethoven piece may be just what you were looking für "Für Elise"
#7970, aired 2019-04-125 EASY PIECES $1600: This composer's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" is so easy to learn, even the mouse king will stand to applaud Tchaikovsky
#7970, aired 2019-04-125 EASY PIECES $2000: If playing this 6-letter kind of piece, choose an easy one like Mozart's Facile, meaning "easy" sonata
#4119, aired 2002-06-275 "EASY" PIECES $200: Proverbially, it follows "Easy come" easy go
#4119, aired 2002-06-275 "EASY" PIECES $400: (Sarah gives the clue from the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans.) Charles Gandolfo, the late owner of the museum, was a voodoo consultant on this 1987 Dennis Quaid film The Big Easy
#4119, aired 2002-06-275 "EASY" PIECES $600: A radio format of popular music in a soothing, undemanding style easy listening
#4119, aired 2002-06-275 "EASY" PIECES $800: This toy from Hasbro uses a light bulb to do the cooking an Easy Bake Oven
#4119, aired 2002-06-275 "EASY" PIECES $1000: Linda Ronstadt took this Buddy Holly song to No. 5 in 1977 "It's So Easy To Fall In Love"

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