Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9238, aired 2025-01-014-LETTER WORDS WITH AN "X" $200: In 2015 CNN reported 30% of teens have broken up or been broken up with this way text
#9238, aired 2025-01-014-LETTER WORDS WITH AN "X" $400: Passing this No. 4 on I-80 East in Utah, you might want to be aware that No. 41, the upcoming one, is 37 miles away an exit
#9238, aired 2025-01-014-LETTER WORDS WITH AN "X" $600: Someone who brings nothing but bad luck might be called a this; it's also in the title of a docuseries about Robert Durst jinx
#9238, aired 2025-01-014-LETTER WORDS WITH AN "X" $800: If you miss the ferry on Fire Island, you can get where you need to go on a "water" this; there's no meter, though (water) taxi
#9238, aired 2025-01-014-LETTER WORDS WITH AN "X" $1000: Casually mentioning to the deli meat guy at Costco that you made it on "Jeopardy!" might be this, slang for bragging a flex

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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