Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8397, aired 2021-05-11 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $200: Departure exit |
#8397, aired 2021-05-11 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $400: Mausoleum a tomb |
#8397, aired 2021-05-11 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $600: Prima donna, as an opera star or otherwise a diva |
#8397, aired 2021-05-11 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $800: Forehead brow |
#8397, aired 2021-05-11 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $1000: Cajole (starts with the same letter) coax |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $200: When preparing fish, its synonym is smoke; for healthcare, it's remedy or heal cure |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $400: Friar & brother are both synonymous with this religious title monk |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $600: Before "up" it's a synonym for cheer; by itself, for a benefit perk |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $800: This verb means to shed feathers molt |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | 4-LETTER SYNONYMS $1000: Manacle, rigid & press are all synonyms for this 4-letter word iron |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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