Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (24 results returned)

#9287, aired 2025-03-113-NAMED PEOPLE $200: Her "An Old-Fashioned Girl" wasn't quite as popular as her "Little Women" Alcott
#9287, aired 2025-03-113-NAMED PEOPLE $400: Legend has it when a British captain asked him to surrender in 1779, he replied, "I have not yet begun to fight!" (John Paul) Jones
#9287, aired 2025-03-113-NAMED PEOPLE $600: The canonization of Joan of Arc in 1920 renewed his interest in writing a play about her, which he did a few years later Shaw
#9287, aired 2025-03-113-NAMED PEOPLE $800: He's the man seen here with his proposed design for a 528-story office building Frank Lloyd Wright
#9287, aired 2025-03-113-NAMED PEOPLE $1000: In the first issue of his newspaper the Liberator, he called for the immediate emancipation of all slaves (William Lloyd) Garrison
#20, aired 2023-05-243-NAMED PEOPLE $400: In command of the Bonhomme Richard, he said, "I have not yet begun to fight" John Paul Jones
#20, aired 2023-05-243-NAMED PEOPLE $800: Stop the presses! Here's a picture of this newspaper publisher (William Randolph) Hearst
#20, aired 2023-05-243-NAMED PEOPLE $1200: Books by this historian include "Team of Rivals" & "Leadership in Turbulent Times" (Doris Kearns) Goodwin
#20, aired 2023-05-243-NAMED PEOPLE $1600: The evolutionary theory known as punctuated equilibrium was developed by this paleontologist (Stephen Jay) Gould
#20, aired 2023-05-243-NAMED PEOPLE $2000: Besides painting many portraits of George Washington, he founded a museum in Philadelphia as much for science as for art Charles Willson Peale
#8738, aired 2022-11-093-NAMED PEOPLE $400: Elected to Congress in 1830, he wrote, "My election as President of the United States was not half so gratifying" John Quincy Adams
#8738, aired 2022-11-093-NAMED PEOPLE $800: Many students learn the history of African Americans from John Hope Franklin's antonym-titled history "From ____ to ____" From Slavery to Freedom
#8738, aired 2022-11-093-NAMED PEOPLE $1200: She's the first Black woman on the Supreme Court & the first justice to have been a federal public defender Justice (Ketanji Brown) Jackson
#8738, aired 2022-11-093-NAMED PEOPLE $1600: 2022 is the 150th birthday of Ralph Vaughan Williams, the British composer of beloved works like this bird "Ascending" Lark
#8738, aired 2022-11-093-NAMED PEOPLE $2000: This 3-named naturalist came up with the natural selection theory around the same time as Darwin, spurring Darwin to go public Alfred Russel Wallace
#8131, aired 2020-01-063-NAMED PEOPLE $800: This actor's diary & pistol are at Ford's Theatre John Wilkes Booth
#8131, aired 2020-01-063-NAMED PEOPLE $1200: This Irish dramatist wrote, "A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth" George Bernard Shaw
#8131, aired 2020-01-063-NAMED PEOPLE $1600: This Justice who died age 99 in 2019, is seen around 1975, the year he joined the Supreme Court John Paul Stevens
#8131, aired 2020-01-063-NAMED PEOPLE $3,000 (Daily Double): This inventor was one of the founders of the National Geographic Society & succeeded his father-in-law as its president in 1898 Alexander Graham Bell
#7771, aired 2018-05-283-NAMED PEOPLE $400: In 2016 this "Sling Blade" Oscar winner began playing lawyer Billy McBride in TV's "Goliath" Billy Bob Thornton
#7771, aired 2018-05-283-NAMED PEOPLE $800: This lawyer who penned "The Star-Spangled Banner" was later a member of Andrew Jackson's "Kitchen Cabinet" Francis Scott Key
#7771, aired 2018-05-283-NAMED PEOPLE $1,500 (Daily Double): He's the architect seen here with his plans for a mile-high skyscraper that was never built Frank Lloyd Wright
#7771, aired 2018-05-283-NAMED PEOPLE $1600: Just days after the Scopes monkey trial ended, this statesman who assisted the prosecution died William Jennings Bryan
#7771, aired 2018-05-283-NAMED PEOPLE $2000: "The Queen of Suspense", she's written more than 35 bestsellers since the '70s, including "Daddy's Little Girl" Mary Higgins Clark

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#6658, aired 2013-07-243-NAMED PEOPLE: Born in what's now Maine in 1807, he's honored with a bust in a special section of Westminster Abbey Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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