Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8248, aired 2020-09-303 VOWELS IN A ROW $400: Adjective for one who's ready to take you to court anytime litigious
#8248, aired 2020-09-303 VOWELS IN A ROW $800: Mais oui, it's a word for a fabulous mansion--perhaps on the Loire River? a chateau
#8248, aired 2020-09-303 VOWELS IN A ROW $1200: This mental disorder makes it seem like everyone's out to get you, despite having little or no cause paranoia
#8248, aired 2020-09-303 VOWELS IN A ROW $1600: Hunkpapa & Oglala are branches of this Native American people Sioux
#8248, aired 2020-09-303 VOWELS IN A ROW $2000: From the Latin for "rest", it's a religious service for the dead requiem
#7315, aired 2016-06-033 VOWELS IN A ROW $400: A Maui food feast a luau
#7315, aired 2016-06-033 VOWELS IN A ROW $800: Instead of "instead of", you can say "in" this "of" lieu
#7315, aired 2016-06-033 VOWELS IN A ROW $1600: We're "in line"; Londoners are in one of these, which actually has 4 vowels in a row a queue
#7315, aired 2016-06-033 VOWELS IN A ROW $2000: "Bang" & "crash" are examples of this long word, which also has 4 vowels in a row onomatopoeia
#7315, aired 2016-06-033 VOWELS IN A ROW $5,000 (Daily Double): These 2 words that fit the category precede "amber waves of grain" in song beautiful & spacious

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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