Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8165, aired 2020-02-213 "M" $400: Adjective meaning the largest amount possible maximum
#8165, aired 2020-02-213 "M" $800: Elaborate process of preparing a pharaoh for the afterlife mummification
#8165, aired 2020-02-213 "M" $1200: In the Eddie Cochran hit song from 1958, "There ain't no cure for" these "blues" summertime
#8165, aired 2020-02-213 "M" $1600: It's a postage stamp like the one seen here, marking a special historical event or person commemorative
#8165, aired 2020-02-213 "M" $2000: Noctambulism is another word for this habit somnambulism
#7011, aired 2015-02-233 M $200: If we had 10 in our show's Bible, the first would be "Thou shalt respond in the form of a question" commandments
#7011, aired 2015-02-233 M $400: A dead Egyptian body, or a live British matriarch a mummy
#7011, aired 2015-02-233 M $600: The shrewlike Morganucodon was one of the first of this animal class a mammal
#7011, aired 2015-02-233 M $800: To honor an event, such as Veterans Day, by some observance commemorate
#7011, aired 2015-02-233 M $1000: Force exhibited by a moving body; let's see if you'll gain it momentum
#4859, aired 2005-10-273-M $200: The greatest quantity possible, perhaps in prison security maximum
#4859, aired 2005-10-273-M $400: About 10 feet high at the shoulder, this Pleistocene animal had complex molar teeth a mammoth
#4859, aired 2005-10-273-M $600: Porgy & Bess know this title is when "the livin' is easy" "Summertime"
#4859, aired 2005-10-273-M $800: On New Year's Day 1901, Philadelphia hosted the first annual this Parade Mummers
#4859, aired 2005-10-273-M $1000: 11-letter term meaning to honor by some observance commemorate

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