Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7788, aired 2018-06-2025 YEARS AGO: 1993 $200: The Maastricht treaty went into effect November 1, 1993, officially creating this political entity the European Union
#7788, aired 2018-06-2025 YEARS AGO: 1993 $400: Flooding by these 2 rivers that begin with the same 4 letters inundated parts of 9 states & left $15 billion in damage the Mississippi and Missouri
#7788, aired 2018-06-2025 YEARS AGO: 1993 $600: These 3 words follow "Whoomp!" in Tag Team's monster hit song of 1993 there it is
#7788, aired 2018-06-2025 YEARS AGO: 1993 $1000: The 1993 secession of Eritrea left this largest horn of Africa country landlocked Ethiopia
#7788, aired 2018-06-2025 YEARS AGO: 1993 $2,000 (Daily Double): A major gun control measure known as this was signed into law in November the Brady Bill

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