Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8934, aired 2023-09-2121st CENTURY BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS $200: Elon Musk is quoted, "I would like to die on" this planet "just not on impact" Mars
#8934, aired 2023-09-2121st CENTURY BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS $400: Of his performance at the Beijing Olympics, this Jamaican said, "I just blew my mind and I blew the world's mind" Usain Bolt
#8934, aired 2023-09-2121st CENTURY BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS $600: In the screenplay to this film, Christopher Nolan co-wrote the line "Some men just want to watch the world burn" The Dark Knight
#8934, aired 2023-09-2121st CENTURY BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS $800: This astrophysicist has shared the observation "The only shame is to pretend we have all the answers" (Neil deGrasse) Tyson
#8934, aired 2023-09-2121st CENTURY BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS $2,400 (Daily Double): At her senator father's funeral in 2018 she observed, "We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness" Meghan McCain
#5221, aired 2007-04-3021st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $400: In 2005 on the "Today" show, this actor told Matt Lauer, "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do" Tom Cruise
#5221, aired 2007-04-3021st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $800: On the Aug. 6, 2003 "Tonight Show", he announced "Say hasta la vista to Gray Davis" Schwarzenegger
#5221, aired 2007-04-3021st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $1200: Of campaigning with her husband, she said in 2007, "I'm absolutely ready for this... I don't look sickly, I don't feel sickly" Elizabeth Edwards
#5221, aired 2007-04-3021st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $1600: In 2001 this Vt. senator left the GOP, saying, "I have changed my party label, but I have not changed my beliefs" James Jeffords
#5221, aired 2007-04-3021st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $4,000 (Daily Double): In June 2006 this mayor said, "This is the Big Easy, and sometimes we lay back a little too much. Get off your duffs" Ray Nagin

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