Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#5389, aired 2008-01-31 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $400: Sivapithecus, once thought to be our ancestor, turned out to be the ancestor of this Sumatran ape the orangutan |
#5389, aired 2008-01-31 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $800: Vincent du Vigneaud synthesized 2 of these: vasopressin & oxytocin hormones |
#5389, aired 2008-01-31 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1200: In 1937 Carlo Perrier & Emilio Segre filled in no. 43 on this table, the first entry to be artificially produced the periodic table |
#5389, aired 2008-01-31 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1600: John Northrop joined this generation when he found that this digestive enzyme is a protein the pepsin generation |
#5389, aired 2008-01-31 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $2000: (I'm astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.) We were just getting used to dark matter being 90% of the universe when in 1998 we were hit with this discovery, which is making the universe expand much faster than anyone had expected dark energy |
#4737, aired 2005-03-22 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $400: In 1992 Alexander Wolszczan discovered the first ones of these outside our solar system planets |
#4737, aired 2005-03-22 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $800: From the Greek for "twig", it's a plant or animal made from a portion of another without sex a clone |
#4737, aired 2005-03-22 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1200: The "M" in MASER stands for this; the rest of the acronym is the same as in "LASER" microwave |
#4737, aired 2005-03-22 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1600: In 1932 this inventor figured out a better way than using Iceland spar to polarize light Edwin Land |
#4737, aired 2005-03-22 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE $2000: In 1921 it was found that this hormone controlled your carbohydrate metabolism insulin |
#4710, aired 2005-02-11 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TIDBITS $200: After Sir James Chadwick's 1932 discovery of this fundamental particle of matter, the world went fission a neutron |
#4710, aired 2005-02-11 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TIDBITS $400: Meredith Gourdine's work on gas dispersion led to a way of clearing this from airport runways fog |
#4710, aired 2005-02-11 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TIDBITS $800: In the '70s Hans Dehmelt took a color photo of Astrid, a single charged ion of this element, Ba barium |
#4710, aired 2005-02-11 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TIDBITS $1,000 (Daily Double): Entomologist Thomas Eisner helped decipher the flash code used by the femmes fatales of these insects fireflies |
#4710, aired 2005-02-11 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TIDBITS $1000: The UNIVAC computer used this format for permanent data storage magnetic tape |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)
#7358, aired 2016-09-14 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE TERMS: This 4-letter word was introduced in London in 1905 by Dr. H.A. des Voeux of the Coal Smoke Abatement Society smog |
#5679, aired 2009-04-23 | 20th CENTURY SCIENCE: The 1970s saw the coining of the term "runner's high" & the discovery of these opiate proteins that produce it endorphins |
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