Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9246, aired 2025-01-132015: 10 YEARS AGO $200: Al Gore visited Paris for the talks that resulted in a 195-nation accord aimed at reducing this & its worst effects global warming (climate change)
#9246, aired 2025-01-132015: 10 YEARS AGO $400: This Afghan group announced the death of its leader Mullah Omar, which had happened sometime around 2013 the Taliban
#9246, aired 2025-01-132015: 10 YEARS AGO $600: Leaving many stunned, in August these 2 Muppets announced the end of their romantic relationship on Twitter Kermit the Frog & Miss Piggy
#9246, aired 2025-01-132015: 10 YEARS AGO $800: This former gov. was an early front-runner for the GOP nomination after announcing his presidential run at Miami Dade College Jeb Bush
#9246, aired 2025-01-132015: 10 YEARS AGO $1000: In March, NASA's Dawn probe began orbiting this dwarf planet found between Mars & Jupiter Ceres

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