Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6239, aired 2011-11-032011 MOVIES $200: In "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" the name of the fictional drug ALZ112 indicates it's a possible treatment for this Alzheimer's
#6239, aired 2011-11-032011 MOVIES $400: Emma Stone starred as aspiring writer Skeeter Phelan in this '60s-set drama based on a novel The Help
#6239, aired 2011-11-032011 MOVIES $600: He was busy in 2011, with parts in "Paul", "Horrible Bosses" & "The Change-Up" (Jason) Bateman
#6239, aired 2011-11-032011 MOVIES $800: Known for his work as a Shakespearean actor, he directed "Thor" (Kenneth) Branagh
#6239, aired 2011-11-032011 MOVIES $1000: Kate Bosworth & James Marsden star in the 2011 remake of this Sam Peckinpah film Straw Dogs

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